Mission and Vision
- To build a church that exists as a family of love and unity in Christ (John 17:21).
- A place where believers are being fed with knowledge and understanding from the Word, to live a victorious life in all aspects. (Dan 11:32b, Matt 16:18).
- A church where every worshipper is actively useful in the ministry of helps, through various Church departments, fellowships and teams (Eph 4:16).
- A place where healings and miracles of various forms can be received by the needy.
- A congregation of believers that win the lost through door to door evangelism, concerts, crusades, and outreaches.
- To prepare both full-time and bi-vocational ministers for the word of the ministry through our Bible School.
- Supporting and helping Ministers and ministries in financial need.
- Carrying the complete gospel to the world with signs and wonders following.
A Family Church that reaches out to the lost both locally and globally, and develops strong believers through the integrity of God’s Word and His Anointing.